A large portion of the way people get their information is through watching videos. I was pretty inexperienced in videography until fairly recently. After my exhilarating first look at working with video at the 2016 Fall National High School Journalism Convention, I decided I should keep at it. This year, I took it upon myself to join my friend Drew, one of the only staffers invested in video.
This project was exciting. Myself, my adviser and my co-staffers stumbled upon an anti-Trump protest in Indianapolis on our way to dinner one night at the convention. Being aspiring journalists, we quickly grabbed camera gear and headed out to the rally. I didn't bring a camera to the convention, not thinking ahead that I could stumble onto a newsworthy event at any given time. My friend Gannon, the head of Vista Now Video, persuaded me to jump in front of the camera and interview angry protestors. It was interesting and exciting being in the action.
Later that night, our adviser gave us a deadline, "Get the video edited and made, quotes transcribed, story written and photos edited and have it up on by midnight." The five of us worked vigorously in the hotel room, switching off roles so everyone could work on each part. In those few hours I truly felt like a real journalist. We were reporting on live news, given a deadline and, with some fun and stress, posted it in time.
It was the first time I'd ever done something like that and it was exciting. If you would like to check out the photos and article the link is here.
I made a video portraying a unique student at Vista. Brady Stevens, a senior, was on two varsity sports in the same season his senior year. I thought creating a video would be a better way of showing what he did, who he is and what people think of him instead of an article. I shot the video, created and videoed the interviews and worked with Final Cut Pro to edit the video. It was fun at times and stressful at times but it was exciting to work with people who are passionate about a sport and have a unique backstory. I did encounter several technical difficulties with uploading and with the sound on this project, I tried my best to make it work with the interviews and footage I had.
My friend Drew needed help putting together a video on our principal Mike Weaver. I helped him with the video by shooting the interview and editing it.
February 2018
This is a recap video I made of Vista's epic Wish Week assembly. From the amazing assembly, MVM members captured everything and it was my privilege to compile it. I was proud of my work because at our "reveal assembly" for Wish Week, my video was played in front of the entire school.
As part of the Douglas County School District's new board election, the media program planned and covered a forum for the new incoming candidates. I took charge of setting up the live stream, making sure the sound equipment and microphones were working and connected to the live stream and checked the incoming views throughout the process. We had all hands on deck, so I manned the camera, microphones and online live stream during the forum. The only hitch, when playing back the live stream, the microphones were scratchy, so it is difficult to hear the candidates in some of the video. I was impressed that there were minimal technical difficulties since none of the broadcast team from my school was able to make it, leaving me in charge. Attached is a photo of me after the forum with all of the camera equipment.
“I’m drawn to filmmaking that can transport me. Film can immerse you, put you there.”